
GRATITUDE…this month, especially, is a time when people use the word “gratitude” to express thankfulness for the people and things in their lives. I’d like to share just one of the things I’m grateful for with you today.

I feel such a profound sense of gratitude for the difference Young Living has made in my life. While some of the changes I’ve experienced are off-limit topics (I will share the reasons why on a later post), I can tell you that I am 41 years old and I have never felt more full of health, confidence, purpose and, yes!, gratitude.

When I reflect on the changes that I’ve experienced in the past year since starting my new life with Young Living, I’ve realized that I am only now, at 41 years old, truly beginning to start living my life with passion and purpose. I have done a great deal of learning this year. About essential oils and their effect on spiritual, physical, and emotional health, living naturally and reducing the toxic chemicals in my life, making small changes to create a lasting difference, and, also, learning about myself. I’ve asked myself many hard questions and worked through a few of my “issues”.

Now, some people might wonder: “How did you get to that point just by using some scented products from some company?!?”

To which, I have to respond that Young Living Essential Oils are not just “some scented products” and Young Living is not “just some company”.  Just like I am not “just some random blogger” and YOU are not “just some random reader”.  We all have a purpose and we are all connected.  Young Living’s purpose is to provide the purest essential oils on the planet and have a strict Seed to Seal guarantee of quality.  The purpose of essential oils is to support us in our search for balance, wellness, spirituality, and purpose.  

My purpose is to introduce you to the person you want to become…  

For today and the next week, I encourage you to focus on the things for which you are most grateful.  I noticed that when I started focusing on what I was grateful for (rather than thinking about what I wanted, needed, didn’t have, what hurt or was difficult), my mood shifted.  My experiences started to change.  My sense of self and sense of purpose started to change.  Start small if this is new to you.  Start with the fact that you woke up this morning and that the sun rose.  Start with the fact that you were able to read this message or listen to music or hug your child, spouse, pet or pillow.  It really doesn’t matter what you are grateful for.  JUST BE GRATEFUL.

I promise you, you will find more things to be grateful for the more you practice looking for it.

If you are already a Young Living essential oil user, you can strengthen your connection to gratitude by inhaling an essential oil while you think about, write about, or talk about what you are grateful for.

I am blown away by the generosity of Young Living and I just had to share my gratitude! They always include extra gifts with my orders and, this month, the extras are unbelievable. I’m blown away!
If you have been thinking about contacting me about Young Living, NOW IS THE TIME! Let me tell you how you can get ALL the gifts shown below including Frankincense AND Sacred Frankincense, oils which historically (and Biblically ) were more treasured than gold. And, if you want your home to be infused with the scents of the season, Christmas Spirit is a must-have! Looking forward to chatting with you about this…